How to Advertise Your New Online Business

So you just started your own online home business. You have a wonderful website that you are extremely proud of. But you aren't happy with the amount of visitors you are getting. Advertising is a key element to getting visitors to your site. But advertising can be expensive and you May not know where to start. Here are some advertising ideas that can be effective.

1. Brochures
A brochure can be an effective means of advertisement. It can give a detailed explanation of your company, products or services. Distribution can be difficult unless you have an actual brick and mortar site, however.

2. Newspaper Classified Ads
One of the most inexpensive forms of advertising is an ad in the local paper. With a small advertisement, you can reach a large number of people. Simply write an eye-catching ad with your website address in it. For greater distribution, you can buy ads in major newspapers around the country.

3. Put an Ad on Your Vehicle.
There are companies that will put your ad on a magnetic sticker. You can then attach this sticker to your vehicle for added exposure. Make the ad simple with your website address on it. People may ask you for more details when seeing the ad on your vehicle. This would be an ideal time to hand them your brochure.

4. Business Cards
Have a business card made with your contact information and your website address. Hand it out to everybody that you know. You can also give bulk cards to your friends and family and ask them to give them to people they know.

5. Online advertising
There is an immense amount of online advertising available. You can place online classified ads, sometimes for free. You can also submit your ad to search engine sites such as Google Adwords which can be quite expensive. The trick it to find a method that you can afford and that gives a good return.

6. Word of Mouth
This is perhaps the most overlooked method of advertising available. Not only is it free, but it can be extremely effective. Unlike paid advertising, you already have the trust of the people you talk to on a regular basis. Who would you rather buy a product from? Some stranger in a paid advertisement or somebody that you already know and trust.

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